The COSTA II EAST/POSEIDON-MED is a study, co-financed by the TEN-T program and is a direct continuation of the COSTA project, that aimed at developing a global strategy for the promotion of the use of LNG as marine fuel in order to provide an efficient and effective solution to the problem of emissions abatement in the Mediterranean. COSTA II EAST/POSEIDON-MED project focuses on the East Mediterranean region, sea with five Member States (Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia) involved. Its ultimate aim is to prepare in detail a global plan of infrastructure development in this geographic area so that LNG can be widely adopted as marine fuel for shipping operations. The Action has started on in December 2013 and will last till the end of year 2015.
Projekt COSTA II EAST/ POSEIDON-MED je študija, deležna 50% sofinanciranja s strani programa TEN-T, ki predstavlja nadaljevanje projekta COSTA, le-ta pa je imel za cilj pripraviti globalne strategije za promocijo UZP (utekočinjen zemeljski plin) kot pogonsko gorivo za pomorski transport. UZP namreč lahko predstavlja učinkovito rešitev za znižanje emisij v Sredozemlju. Ob sodelovanju 18 partnerjev iz petih držav članic (Grčija, Ciper, Italija, Slovenija, Hrvaška) se COSTA II EAST/POSEIDON MED osredotoča na vzhodno Sredozemlje. Cilj projekta je priprava skupnega podrobnega načrta za razvoj infrastrukture, ki bi omogočila uporabo UZP v pomorski industriji. Projekt se je začel izvajati decembra 2013 in se bo zaključil predvidoma konec leta 2015.