Solar POwer for Reducing EMisssions

Luka Koper as a lead partner, together with Municipality of Koper and Norway company Greenstat, successfully applied for funding from Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme – for a construction of solar power plant.

European Economic Area (EEA) Fund is an instrument/ basis for cooperation among Slovenia and donor states – Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. The aim is to reduce economic and social differences in Europe and strenghten bilateral cooperation among donor states and beneficiary countries.

Duration of the project SOPOREM is two years, until April 2024. Luka Koper will construct a solar power plant with an approximate installed capacity of 3 MW on the roof of newly constructed warehouse nr. 54 in the General cargo terminal. This solar power plant will be second largest in Slovenia. For SOPOREM project the approved funding is 2,1 mio EUR for three project partners, for Luka Koper the approved funding is 1,2 mio EUR – in compliance with the State Aid rules. Currently, Luka Koper produces only 1% energy from renewable sources – with solar power plants. With the construction of SOPOREM solar power plant the share of produced energy from renewable sources will increase up to 10% of yearly consumption of the electricity in the port.
