• March: the Government of the Republic of Slovenia expands the port concession area by 36 hectares 
  • April: third truck gate Bertoki is competed and the new garage for 6,000 cars is put into service 
  • May Luka Koper, d. d., received the award for the safest Slovenian company. The award is given by the ICS Institute for Corporate Security Studies in cooperation with the Slovenian Association for Corporate Security.
  • June: the 100-meters extension of the quayside at the container terminal is completed


  • A new rail access with four tracks (a total of 2.800 m length)  was built in the north-easter part of the port for Car & RO-RO terminal operations 
  • A dedicated car-carrier berth in Basin 3 was inaugurated in May 
  • Works for the third truck gate begin in June
  • A new STS crane loader was installed at the coal & iron ore terminal 
  • In August the construction works for the Container terminal extension commence


  • In January, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia unanimously adopted the investment programme of the Divača–Koper second railway track project, thus giving the green light to the commencement of preparatory works.
  • As of March, Luka Koper has been paying the transhipment fee intended for the construction of the Divača–Koper second railway track.
  • A new, official entrance, the second truck entrance (Sermin) to the port was opened on 10 May 2019.
  • The extension of Pier I began in July with the integration of test piles. The extension will ensure the port’s further development and enhance its competitive edge on the international market.
  • The new port service providers system was implemented, consisting of three pilaars: emplyed workers in mother company, agency workers, and external service contractors.


  • Record maritme throughput of 24 million tons, including 988 thousands TEUS.
  • Luka Koper signed a letter of intent with the Municipality of Koper to reach an agreement on the implementation of mitigation measures to reduce the environmental impact of port activity and ensure further development of the port.
  • In June 2018, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia amended the Decree on the administration of the freight port of Koper, which includes the expansion of the concession area, both territorial and maritime, by 705,436 square metres.
  • Having entered into force on 21 July, the Act Regulating the Construction, Operation and Management of the Second Track of the Divača-Koper Railway Line will be an additional financial burden to the Company, but will also enable sustainable development of the Port of Koper and an increase of Port throughput in the long term.


  • In February 2017, Adria-Tow, d. o. o. received a sixth tugboat, the Mercur.
  • In March  Luka Koper, d. d. took over the half-year presidency in the North Adriatic Ports Association (NAPA).
  • On 23 May, the Company celebrated 60 years since the establishment of Pristanišče Koper, the predecessor of today’s Luka Koper, d. d.
  • In May, Luka Koper obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification for quality management systems with the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ).
  • In October, Luka Koper was successful with its tender for an international contract awarded by Daimler, after being selected by this German corporation as one of the main export ports for its vehicles for the first time in 2015.


  • The Slovenian Environment Agency operating within the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning re-awarded the EMAS certificate to Luka Koper, d.d.,
  • In 2016, the electrification of the rail mounted gantry cranes operating in the container terminal started. Instead of diesel fuel these cranes use electricity and therefore a reduction in the exhaust gas emissions and costs of energy products is expected,
  • In 2016, the jubilee 10th Open Port Day was organised,
  • The largest container ship was moored in the history of the Port of Koper – MSC Paloma, with a capacity of 14,000 TEU.


  • letni ladijski pretovor doseže 20 milijonov ton
  • postanemo eno osrednjih izvoznih pristanišč za Daljni vzhod nemške korporacije Daimler AG za izvoz avtomobilov, proizvedenih v tovarnah Mercedes – Benz v Nemčiji in nekaterih drugih evropskih državah.
  • Evropska komisija nam dodeli posebno priznanje na področju ravnanja z okoljem. Kot nacionalni pionir na tem področju vzdržujemo certifikat EMAS že sedmo leto,
  • za skladiščenje avtomobilov je bilo urejenih in asfaltiranih 56.500 m2 površin v zaledju drugega pomola, 
  • sprejet je Strateški poslovni načrt družbe in Skupine Luka Koper za obdobje 2016 – 2020, Poslovna strategija družbe in Skupine Luka Koper do leta 2030 ter Strateški poslovni načrt do leta 2020 z usmeritvami do leta 2030,
  • zaključena je druga faza poglabljanja vplovnega kanala znotraj akvatorija na –15 metrov. 


  • Dredging works in Basin 1 are completed, depth is increased to -14 meters, dredging is confinanced within EU project Napadrag.
  • Dredging of entrance channel to Basin is finished (- 15 meters).
  • Luka Koper has been awarded with the ESPO (European Sea Ports Organisation) Award in recognition of its work in creating a sustainable future for the port and its surroundings.
  • The ISCC EU certificate is obtained, which confirms that in Luka Koper d.d can unload and store oil, rapeseed, soya oil, palm biodiesel, bioethanol and used cooking oil, in accordance with the EC Directive on stimulating the use of renewable energy resources.
  • Luka Koper d.d. received the Brand Leader Award for the best port operator and provider of logistic services in South-East Europe. 


  • For the first time in the history of the Port of Koper, the Container Terminal handled more than 600,000 TEUs.
  • Official inclusion of the Port of Koper in the EU’s Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic transport corridors.
  • Extension of Luka Koper‘s registration in the Europe’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) until 2016.
  • Introduction of a smart phone and tablet application aimed at clients.


  • The Luka Koper INPO d.o.o. subsidiary commences work to deepen the access channel to Basin I at the Port of Koper.
  • With its 7,908-TEU capacity, the 318-metre long and 43-metre wide Maersk Karlskrona became the largest container vessel ever to call at the Port of Koper.
  • Luka Koper commences publication of sea quality data via its Living With The Port sustainable development website (http://www.zivetispristaniscem.si/)
  • Luka Koper acquires organic food and agricultural commodities certification, which corroborates that the cargos it handles and stores shall maintain their organic attributes and characteristics,
  • Luka Koper becomes finalist for Containerisation International Award for the Living with the port project.


  • Slovenian Government adopts the National Spatial Plan for Koper port.
  • Yearly throughput surpasses 17 million tons.
  • AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) Certificate for port area safety and security is acquired.
  • The Passenger terminal welcomes more than 100.000 passengers in one season.
  • Container throughput in Koper port surpasses 500.000 TEU for the first time.


  • Terminal for alcohols is built.
  • Online publishing of average hourly level of PM10 dust particulate in the port starts (www.zivetispristaniscem.si).
  • Technological environmental and logistics center TOC receives SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025 certificate.
  • We enter the ESPO (European Seaports Organization) compeition for the first time and are ranked among the ESPO 2009 finalists.
  • Rijeka, Croatia joins NAPA association as the 5th member.
  • EMAS environmental management system is acquired.
  • European Commission issues an agreement for cofinancing 2nd phase of renovation and modernization for Koper-Divača railway.


  • The new website www.zivetispristaniscem.si is set up. It offers a wider insight into the Luka Koper sustainable development.
  • Northern Adriatic ports Koper, Trieste, Venice and Ravenna signed establishing agreement of North Adriatic Port Association (NAPA).
  • Four new container post panamax cranes arrived to our port.


  • Luka Koper and the Republic of Slovenia signed the concession agreement, which settled issues related to port activities, management, development and ordinary maintenance of port infrastructure for a period of 35 years.
  • As the first Slovenian private railroad operator the daughter company Adria Transport, LTD, started its operations in Slovenia, Austria and Germany.
  • Cargo throughput surpasses 16 million tons.
  • The investment in the extension of the operative shore of peer number 1 is completed.
  • New collective agreement between the management and the two port unions (representative of employers) is signed. This treaty maintains a long-run balance between economic, social and environmental viewpoints of development orientations of Luka Koper.


  • The daughter company Adria Terminali, d.o.o., which is managing the inland terminal in Sežana, is founded.
  • The first part of the new information system for the operational work and marketing activity (TinO) is implemented.
  • The award to the best ideas arising from the public tender for the complete special planning of the port area is conferred.
  • The Regional representation for the Far East in Malaysia is opened.
  • The foundation stones for the extension of the first Pier for container needs and erection of the new warehouse for cars are set up.
  • The cargo throughput surpasses 15 million tons.


  • The company enters the competition for the most prestigious European Business Excellence Award, and becomes an Excellence Award Finalist.
  • Cargo throughput surpesses 14 million tons.


  • The company receives the European Award for Business Excellence granted by European Foundation for Quality Management.
  • A new container crane was acquired.
  • Luka Koper handled a record total cargo volume of 13 million tons.


  • Luka Koper, d.d. acquires the status of a BIP post (border inspection post) for goods destined for the EU.
  • The Terminal for Coal and Iron Ore was finalised and renamed the European Energy Terminal.
  • The stake in Trieste International Container Terminal spa is sold.


  • The annual volume of handled cargo exceeds 11 million tons.


  • The company receives the Business Excellence Award from the Republic of Slovenia.


  • Intensive construction takes place at Pier II.


  • ISO 14001 environmental certificate is acquired.
  • 30-year concession is obtained for managing the container terminal in the Trieste Port through the daughter company Trieste International Container Terminal spa.


  • Parking garage is constructed, with a capacity of up to 3,350 cars.


  • Livestock terminal is constructed.
  • Waste management centre is set up.


  • ISO 9002 certificate is acquired.
  • Sea monitoring is established and co-operation starts with REMPEC centre in Malta (Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea).


  • Car Terminal is constructed.
  • The company undergoes privatisation and transformation into Luka Koper d. d..


  • Grain silo is constructed.


  • Terminal for Coal and Iron Ore is constructed.


  • Container Terminal is constructed.


  • The first regular container line for the Mediterranean is established.


  • Railway connection between Koper and the hinterland is established.


  • The status of a free-trade zone is acquired.


  • The first transoceanic ship Gorica is moored.


  • The Port of Koper is founded.