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The EU project ACCESS2KOPERPORT was approved as part of the European Union tender through the IPE program – priority Transport in 2022, with the specific goal linked to measures for “Dual use”, or in other words “Military Mobility”. The project is intended for the construction of infrastructure that will serve both for the transport of cargo and people, as well as for the transport of heavy military equipment on the core network to the port of Koper, to be realized between 2022 and 2026. The CEF Transport 2022 program is co-financed up to 50 %. The remaining costs will be sustained by Luke Koper, d. d. through its own funds.

It is a 60-month project, for which the Agreement was signed in October 2022 and in which Luka Koper, as a leading partner, cooperates with DARS for the construction of the road section connecting the Koper motorway to the port (DARS), as well as the construction of the 12. berth and the new Ro-Ro berth in the port (Luka Koper, d.d.).

The activities that will be carried out in the project will follow the project documentation, which is going to be provided separately, before the implementation of the works (archaeological research IDP, PGD, PZI, etc.) – only archaeological studies are part of this co-financing. The value of the project amounts to EUR 40,185,560, of which EUR 32,069,560 is planned for Luka Koper, d.d. and EUR 8,116,000 for DARS. Activities are co-financed by 50 %.

The project receives funding from the European Union through the IPE program – Priority Transport. ACCESS2KOPERPORT started its implementation in January 2022 and will end at the end of 2026.

Projekt ACCESS2KOPERPORT je bil sprejet v okviru razpisa Evropske unije skozi program IPE – prioriteta Transport v letu 2022, s specifičnim ciljem, ki je vezan na ukrepe za »Dvojno rabo« oz. »Vojaško mobilnost«. Projekt je namenjen gradnji infrastrukture, ki bo služila tako za prevoz tovora in ljudi kot tudi za prevoz težke vojaške opreme na jedrnem omrežju do koprskega pristanišča, med leti 2022 in 2026. Program CEF Transport 2022 je sofinanciran v višini do 50 %. Za ostala sredstva pa bo poskrbela Luke Koper, d. d. sama.

Gre za 60-mesečni projekt, za katerega je bil podpisan Sporazum oktobra 2022 in v katerem Luka Koper, kot vodilni partner, sodeluje z DARS-om za gradnjo cestnega odseka, ki povezuje koprsko hitro cesto s pristaniščem (DARS), ter gradnjo 12. veza in novega Ro-Ro veza v pristanišču (Luka Koper, d.d.).

Aktivnosti, ki se bodo izvajale v projektu, bodo upoštevale vso projektno dokumentacijo, ki je predvidena pred izvedbo del (arheološke raziskave IDP, PGD, PZI itd.). Vrednost projekta znaša 40.185.560 EUR, kjer je 32.069.560 EUR predvidenih za Luko Koper, d.d. in 8.116.000 EUR za DARS. Aktivnosti so sofinancirane 50 %.

Projekt je deležen financiranja Evropske unije skozi program IPE – prioriteta Transport. ACCESS2KOPERPORT se je pričel izvajati januarja 2022 in se bo zaključil konec leta 2026.