Backgrounds: the project aimed at identifying the elements which enhance collaboration between ports and production systems and industry based in their hinterland. The project was co-financed by ERDF in the framework of the MED Programme.

Backgrounds: the project aimed at identifying the elements which enhance collaboration between ports and production systems and industry based in their hinterland. The project was co-financed by ERDF in the framework of the MED Programme.
Cilj projekta je bil identificirati vzvode, ki bi omogočali večje povezovanje pristanišč s proizvodnimi grozdi, ki se nahajajo v njihovem zaledju. Pomembni rezultati, ki jih je Luka Koper dosegla v projektu so bili izdelava študije o multiplikatorju pristaniške dejavnosti za leti 2008 in 2009, ugotavljanje zastojev v prometu znotraj pristanišča ter priprava ukrepov za njihov rešitev. Projekt se je izvajal v okviru programa MED in je bil deležen financiranja s strani ESRR.