Zapri iskalnik

Car Esmatic

Connecting Europe Facility

he Action aims at increasing the use of Motorways of the Sea services for transport of cars in the Mediterranean, by improving the infrastructure for direct land and sea access to the ports of Koper and Barcelona.  More specifically, at the Port of Koper the construction of a new ro-ro berth in Basin III and a new 6th group of railway tracks are scheduled to be built in the framework of the Action. Further, CarEsmatic will increase knowledge about the distribution of electric and hybrid vehicles, supporting in particular Mediterranean ports to cope with future developments in relation to the automotive industry and therefore supporting such industry. Such activity will include pilot installations of charging stations at the two ports and on board two Neptune vessels.

Partners participating to the projects are Luka Koper, d.d. (coordinator), Barcelona Port Authority, Autoterminal, S.A. and Neptune Lines.

The Action which is co-financed by the EU through the CEF program (priority MoS) has started in March 2016 and is scheduled to be implemented by end of 2018.

Project ima za cilj povečati uporabo storitev pomorskih avtocest za prevoz avtomobilov v Sredozemlju in sicer z izboljšanjem kopne in morske dostopnosti pristanišč Koper in Barcelona. V Kopru načrtujemo financirati skozi projekt izgradnjo novega ro-ro priveza v III. bazenu ter izgradnjo nove 6. tirne skupine v njegovem zaledju. Projekt CarEsmatic  bo pripomogel tudi k izboljšanju znanja glede potreb pri distribuciji električnih in hibridnih avtomobilov, da bodo predvsem sredozemska pristanišča lahko sledila trendom v avtomobilski industriji in se pripravila za sprejem tudi takih tovorov. Aktivnost bo vključevala pilotno postavitev polnilnic v obeh pristaniščih ter na dveh Neptunovih ladjah.

V projektu sodelujejo poleg Luke Koper, d.d., ki projekt vodi, še Pristaniška uprava Barcelona,  Autoterminal, S.A. in Neptune Lines.

Projekt je deležen financiranja Evropske unije skozi program IPE – prioriteta Pomorske avtoceste.

CarEsmatic se je pričel izvajati marca 2016 in se bo zaključil predvidoma konec leta 2018.