Zapri iskalnik


Programme: CEE


The project EMPIRIC was created with the goal of increasing competitivity of intermodal transporting solutions in programme areas of the Central Europe. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) finances 85% of the activities.
In the framework of EMPIRIC, led by the Venice Port Authority, partners are analysing the  current infrastructure, intermodal services and identifing actionable plans and preparation of possible solutions that could help increasing the competitivity of intermodal transport in comparison to road transport. The focus of the analysis is on the Priority Project 23 with a prolungation to Bologne or with a variety to Grado, which connects to the Priority project 6.



Projekt EMPIRIC, ki ga vodi Pristaniška uprava Benetke, je nastal z namenom povečanja konkurenčnosti intermodalnih transportnih rešitev v programskem območju Srednje Evrope. Aktivnosti sofinancira v višini 85% Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ERDF). Analize, ki imajo za cilj povečanje konkurenčnosti intermodalnega transporta, se osredotočajo na PP 23, s podaljšanim krakom do Bologne oz. z različico do Gradeža, ki se nato priključi na PP 6.