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31.5.2014 se je zaključil projekt Greencranes, ki se je izvajal v okviru programa TEN-T in bil deležen sofinanciranja v višini 50%. Projekt je imel obliko študije, ki je vključevala pilotne aktivnosti,  in si je prizadeva testirati nove tehnologije in alternativna goriva na kontejnerskih terminalih v Španiji, Italiji in Sloveniji ter tako prispevati k ublažitvi klimatskih sprememb in zmanjševanju emisij toplogrednih plinov.


The Greencranes project was concluded on the 31st of May 2014. The study, co-financed by the Eruopean Union by 50% under the TEN-T program,took the form of a pilot action with the general objective to test new technologies and alternative fuels including pilot deployment in port container terminals in Spain, Italy and Slovenia contributing thereby to mitigating climate change and reducing GHG emissions.