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ITS Adriatic Multi-port Gateway


The project ITS Adriatic Multi-port Gateway has a predominant ICT character and is implemented under the TEN-T (Motorways of the Sea) program to increase the competitiveness of the whole North Adriatic range as a gateway for the Motorways of the Sea. It was leaded by the Venice Port Authority, with the participation of Port Authority of Trieste, Port Authority of Ravenna, Luka Koper and Port Authority of Rijeka as associated partner. The project was co-financed by the European Union, has started on the 1st April 2010 and concluded on the 31st of December 2013. 


Projekt ITS Adriatic Multi-port Gateway s pretežno informacijskimi vsebinami je pod okriljem programa TEN-T (Motorways of the sea) nastal s ciljem povečati konkurenčnost Severnega Jadrana kot vrata pomorskih avtocest. Projekt je vodila Pristaniška uprava Benetke, v njem so sodelovale Pristaniška uprava Trst, Ravenna, Luka Koper in Pristaniška uprava Reka kot pridružena članica.  Projekt je sofinancirala Evropska Unija v višini 50%, trajal pa je od 1.4.2010 do 31.12.2013.