Združenje NAPA je bilo ustvarjeno za reševanje skupnih problemov in izzivov, s katerimi se soočajo največja pristanišča Severnega Jadrana: pristaniške uprave Benetke, Trst in Reka, ter Luka Koper. Naraščajoči blagovni tokovi med Azijo in Evropo, ki se odvijajo skozi Sueški prekop, so razlog zaradi katerega je Jadransko morje še večja strateška točka, saj je zahvaljujoč svoji geografski legi, bližje Vzhodu in Daljnemu Vzhodu. Posledica omenjenih rastočih tokov, bo sprememba sedanjega scenarija, po katerem pristanišča v Severni Evropi prevladujejo nad Sredozemskimi.
Cilji projekta NAPA STUDIES – kot tudi vseh ostalih projektov združenja NAPA, so spodbujanje razvoja Sredozemskega in Baltsko-Jadranskega koridorja v okviru TEN-T evropske mreže. NAPA STUDIES bo za Luko Koper d.d. pomenilo možnost 50% sofinanciranja, pri izdelavi projektnih dokumentov za razvoj edinega slovenskega pristanišča, kot so npr. projektne dokumentacije za: povečanje kapacitet na terminalu za živino, nova privezna mesta za tankerje, dodatna privezna mesta v severnem delu bazena II, gradnjo 6. Skupine tirov in tirov 21 a,b,c, postavitev RMG žerjavnih prog na KT, rekonstrukcijo tako 7. Veza, kot tudi 7a in 7b vezov s podaljšanjem proti vzhodu, ter ne nazadnje tudi študije plovnosti v bazenu I in vzdržnosti v bazenu II.

The NAPA association has been created to tackle common problems and challenges that have to face biggest Northern Adriatic ports like: Port Authorities of Venice, Trieste and Rijeka and the Port of Koper. The increasing Asia Europe trades through the Suez Canal, have been making the Adriatic sea even more strategic thank to its geographical position closer to East and Far East. As a consequence of these growing flows there are going to be changes to the current scenario in which the Northern Range ports retain dominance.
NAPA STUDIES project’s objectives – as well as all other NAPA projects, are to promote the development of the Mediterranean and the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor within the TEN-T European network. NAPA STUDIES represents for the Port of Koper the opportunity co-fund within the 50% the production of project documents for the development of the only Slovenian port, as for example project documentation to: increase capacity at the livestock terminal, new berthing places for tankers, additional berths in the northern part of the basin II, building 6th Group of tracks and the tracks 21 a, b, c, with RMG crane rails on CT, reconstruction of 7th berth, as well as 7tha and 7thb berths to the extension towards the east, and last but not least the navigability study in the basin I and sustainability study in basin II.