Projekt ima za cilj povečati morsko in kopensko dostopnost pristanišč Trst in Koper in sicer s pomočjo sredstev Evropske Unije. V okviru projekta se bodo tako gradila nova obala za potrebe ro-ro prometa v Trstu. V Kopru se bo financirala infrastruktura za potrebe povečanja kontejnerskega prometa in sicer izgradnja dilatacij (že izvedeno), rekonstrukcija vezov 7, 7a in 7b, gradnja novega veza 7d, tiri 21a,b,c in nov železniški most, tir 18c in nove žerjavne proge za RMG dvigala, pa tudi nov vhod Bertoki. Partnerstvo sestavljajo Luka Koper, ki projekt koordinira, Pristaniška uprava Trst in Italijansko ministrstvo za promet skozi podjetje Rete Autostrade Mediterranee S.p.A. (RAM). Projekt se je začel izvajati 1.1.2014 in bo predvidoma trajal do 31.12.2018.

The Action aims to improve maritime and land accessibility of ports of Trieste and Koper through the financing of the European Union. The Action concerns construction of a quay as well as development of a confined disposal facility in the port of Trieste to support ro-ro traffic. The Action further covers investment needed to support container traffic in Koper, namely the reconstruction and extension of existing quay walls, backfilling works, construction of new railway tracks and construction of a new entrance in the port of Koper. The Action has 3 beneficiaries, namely Luka Koper, port and logistic system d.d., Autorita’ Portuale di Trieste, and the Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti which is participating through Rete Autostrade Mediterranee S.p.A. (RAM). The overall coordination of the Action is ensured by the Luka Koper, port and logistic system, d.d.. The Action takes place from the 1st of January 2014 till the 31st of December 2018.