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Projekt SECNET je bil potrjen za so-financiranje na razpisu za standardne projekte programa Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija v letu 2016, prednostna os 4, ki ima za cilj krepitev institucionalnega sodelovanja. V projektu sodelujejo 3 pristanišča iz programskega območja, in sicer Pristanišče Trst, ki projekt vodi, Pristanišče Benetke in Luka Koper. Poleg pristanišč v projektu sodelujejo še Srednjeevropska pobuda, Univerza v Trstu in Univerza na Primorskem.

Varnost pristanišč močno vpliva na varnost celotne regije, pa tudi na njeno konkurenčnost. S pomočjo inovativnih IKT rešitev, ki bodo uvedene in testirane znotraj projekta, želijo partnerji izboljšati pristaniško varnost na čezmejnem območju. Ob tem pa želijo povečati sposobnost  skupnega načrtovanja in tako krepiti institucionalne povezave na omenjenem področju. V sklopu projekta bodo partnerji pripravili čezmejno strategijo, ki bo vsebovala priporočila za izvedbo skupnih ukrepov na področju varnosti. Projekt se bo zaključil s podpisom namenskega protokola, ki bo zagotovil trajnost rezultatov projekta.

Projekt se je začel izvajati 1.10.2017 in bo trajal predvidoma do 31.3.2019.

Vse aktivnosti v projektu so deležne sofinanciranja iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj.

SECNET was selected for co-financing at the call for standard projects of the Program Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia in year 2016, priority 4, which aims at strengthening the institutional cooperation. 3 ports participate to the project, namely the Port of Trieste, which acts as lead partner, the Port of Venice and Luka Koper. Partners in the projects are further the Central European initiative, the University of Trieste and the University of Primorska.

Security of ports influences the security of the entire region, but it influences also its competitivity. With the aid of innovative ICT solutions, that will be implemented and tested as part of the project, partners aim at improving port security in the cross – border area. Beside they aim at increasing the capacity of joint planning and in this way, strengthen the institutional links in the mentioned area. Partners plan to develop a cross-border strategy, that will contain recommendation for the implementation of common measures in the field of security. The project shall be concluded with the signature of an ad hoc protocol that will assure continuity of project results.

The project started formally on the 1st of October 2017 and shall be concluded by the 31st of March 2019.

All project activities are co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund.